Now, to be fair, I can parallel park like a *MF* and I could back my truck through a corn maze and touch absolutely nothing. But when it comes to actually parking, I find myself trying and retrying, moving back and forth, getting out and looking critically at it, getting back in and moving back and forth some more, before finally just slamming the PRNDL in park and letting it just sit there all crooked. Like it parked itself that way and I'm tired of trying to reason with it.
Once I've given up, I try to remind myself (while walking through a parking lot and in front of giant store or restaurant windows) that I'm not actually interesting enough for anyone to stop their lives to watch me park, and I chide myself for the vanity masquerading as self-consciousness.
This last picture was in the parking lot at an OES chapter meeting (go Adah #49!). I finally gave up and just headed inside. After a few minutes, an older man came up to me and said, "Honey, we don't judge here. You just park any old way you like."
Just because I'm paranoid DOESN'T mean they're not watching me!!!!
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